Lord of Nurgle on palanquin/Lord di Nurgle su palanchino. 28mm, Citadel, painted by IlVJ
Winged sorcerer of Nurgle/Stregone alato di Nurgle. 28mm, Citadel, converted and painted by IlVJ
Chaos warriors of Nurgle/Guerieri del caos di Nurgle. 28mm, Citadel and Hearthbreaker, painted by Ginzio and IlVJ
knights of Nurgle/Cavalieri di Nurgle. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio
Spowns of Nurgle/Progenie di Nurgle. 28mm, Citadel, converted and painted by Ginzio
War altar of Nurgle, scratch built with balsa wood and real crab claws/Altare da guerra di Nurgle, autocostruito con balsa e vere chele di granchio. 28mm, Citadel, converted and painted by Ginzio and IlVJ
Great Unclean One/Grande Immondo. 28mm, Citadel, painted by IlVJ
Nurglings/Nurglini. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio
Beasts of Nurgle/Bestie di Nurgle. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio and IlVJ
sabato 31 maggio 2008
lunedì 26 maggio 2008
Some Daemons & various stuff/Demoni e Varie
giovedì 22 maggio 2008
Undead Blood Bowl Team/Squadra dei Non Morti
venerdì 16 maggio 2008
Wood Elf Army/Esercito degli Elfi Silvani
Elf Dragon Lord 28MM Citadel Dragon and marauder Elf. Painted by ILVJ
Sea Elf Bolt Thrower/Ballista degli elfi del mare 28MM Citadel. Painted by ILVJ
Eagle Hero on Giant Eagle 28MM Citadel. Painted by ILVJ
LOTR Elf King 28MM. Painted by ILVJ
LOTR Elf King 28MM. Painted by ILVJ
Elf Noble Women 28MM Mithril Miniatures. Painted by ILVJ
Elf Mage on Horse 28MM Citadel. Painted by ILVJ
Elf Mage 28MM Citadel. Painted by ILVJ
Elfs Heroes 28MM Heartbreaker and Citadel. Painted by Ginzio
Elf Mage 28MM Citadel. Painted by ILVJ
Elfs Heroes 28MM Heartbreaker and Citadel. Painted by Ginzio
Elf Wardancer 28MM Marauder. Painted by Ginzio
Wood Elf Cavalry 28MM Citadel. Painted By ILVJ
Wood Elf Scouts 28MM Citadel, Marauder and Grenadier. paited by ILVJ
Wood Elf Warriors 28MM CItadel. Painted by ILVJ
Wood Elf Archers 28MM Citadel. Painted by ILVJ
Treemen 28MM Citadel and Ral Partha. Painted by ILVJ and Ginzio
Wood Elf Cavalry 28MM Citadel. Painted By ILVJ
Wood Elf Scouts 28MM Citadel, Marauder and Grenadier. paited by ILVJ
Wood Elf Warriors 28MM Citadel. painted by ILVJ
Wood Elf Warriors 28MM Citadel. Painted by ILVJWood Elf Warriors 28MM CItadel. Painted by ILVJ
Skarlock Wood Elf Archers 28MM Citadel. Painted by ILVJ
Wood Elf Archers 28MM Citadel. Painted by ILVJ
Wood Elf Archers 28MM Citadel. Painted by ILVJ
Dryads 28MM Citadel, Grenadier. painted by Ginzio
Sea Elf Wardancers 28MM Marauder. Painted by ILVJ
Dryads 28MM Citadel, Grenadier. painted by Ginzio
Sea Elf Wardancers 28MM Marauder. Painted by ILVJ
Wood Elf Wardancers 28MM Citadel. Painted by ILVJ
Wood Elf Wardogs 28MM Citadel. Painted by ILVJ
Sea Elf Bolt Thrower/Ballista degli elfi del mare 28MM Citadel. Painted by ILVJ
mercoledì 14 maggio 2008
Warhammer Samurai/Samurai di Warhammer
Ages ago, back in the 80's, Citadel used to produce a small range of samurai, this is all I could find in the last 20 years/Eoni fa, negli anni '80, la Citadel produceva una piccola serie di samurai, questo è quello che sono riuscito a trovare negli ultimi 20 anni.
Samurai warriors/Guerrieri Samurai. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio
Nippon rocket launcher/Lanciarazzi giapponese. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio
Samurai warriors/Guerrieri Samurai. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio
Nippon rocket launcher/Lanciarazzi giapponese. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio