Sometimes ago I finished three clan Blood Spirit stars, one is a mix of omni and second line mechs, the other two are protomechs.
Non molto tempo fa ho finito tre stars del clan Blood Spirit, una e' un misto di omni e clan di seconda linea, le altre due di protomechs.
Blood asp prime. 1/285, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio
Dasher prime. 1/285, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio
Vulture prime. 1/285, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio
Wyvern IIC. 1/285, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio
Thresher. 1/285, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio
Minotaur and Roc protomechs. 1/285, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio
Syren protomechs. 1/285, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio
The force arrayed for battle. La forza schierata per il combattimento.
domenica 30 aprile 2017
mercoledì 26 aprile 2017
Silent Death "The next millenium" set/Set di Silent Death "The next millenium"
These are the models in the Deluxe set of Silent Death "The next millenium".
The box of this old game contains 48 plastic space fighters. I divided them in two factions so that I can have a good choice of fighters for each one of them.
Now that I have read the rules and painted all the models I own, I only have to find someone to play with and test the game.
The pictures are not very good, but I couldn't get any better ones.
Questi sono i modelli del set Deluxe di Silent Death "The next millenium".
LA scatola di questo ormai vecchio gioco contiene 48 caccia spaziali in plastica. Li ho divisi in due fazioni per avere una buona scelta di modelli per ognua di esse.
Ora che ho dipinto tutti i pezzi in mio possesso e letto il regolamento, non mi rimane che trovare qualcuno con cui testare il gioco.
LE foto non sono granche', ma non sono riuscito a farne di migliori.
Blizzard. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Hellbender. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Lance electra. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Night hawk. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Salamander. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Talon. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Thunder bird. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
The "blue" faction/La fazione "blu"
Dart. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Kosmos. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Lance electra. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Pit viper. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Salamander. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Spirit rider. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Teal hawk. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
The box of this old game contains 48 plastic space fighters. I divided them in two factions so that I can have a good choice of fighters for each one of them.
Now that I have read the rules and painted all the models I own, I only have to find someone to play with and test the game.
The pictures are not very good, but I couldn't get any better ones.
Questi sono i modelli del set Deluxe di Silent Death "The next millenium".
LA scatola di questo ormai vecchio gioco contiene 48 caccia spaziali in plastica. Li ho divisi in due fazioni per avere una buona scelta di modelli per ognua di esse.
Ora che ho dipinto tutti i pezzi in mio possesso e letto il regolamento, non mi rimane che trovare qualcuno con cui testare il gioco.
LE foto non sono granche', ma non sono riuscito a farne di migliori.
The "red" faction/La fazione "rossa"
Blizzard. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Hellbender. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Lance electra. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Night hawk. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Salamander. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Talon. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Thunder bird. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Dart. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Kosmos. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Lance electra. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Pit viper. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Salamander. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Spirit rider. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
Teal hawk. Unknown scale, ICE, painted by Ginzio
sabato 15 aprile 2017
WWII Bolt action german Tiger tank/Carro tedesco della seconda guerra mondiale Tigre per Bolt action
This is the latest addition to IlVJ's fallschirmjaeger army.
L'ultima aggiunta all'esercito di paracadutisti tedeschi del VJ.
Tiger Mk1/Tigre 1. 1/48, Tamiya, painted by IlVJ
L'ultima aggiunta all'esercito di paracadutisti tedeschi del VJ.
Tiger Mk1/Tigre 1. 1/48, Tamiya, painted by IlVJ