sabato 8 marzo 2025

Epic orks Evil Sunz clan

 Once in a while I always end up painting more Epic stuff, this time a clan of Evil Sunz Orks that I traded recently with a friend.

I had a lot of fun painting these boyz, now I have 5 of the 6 clans available, as soon as I get back to Italy I'll probably put together a Blood Axe clan and complete all the options.

Evil Sunz clan, I painted some war wagons years ago, they will be re-united in August this summer. Citadel, Epic Scale, painted by Ginzio

sabato 1 marzo 2025

A small addition to the Badab War collection

 I painted a few more models for my very long term Badab War project.

As long time readers might know, I decide, years ago, to paint whatever space marine model I still had kicking around, in the various colours of the Rogue trader article concerning the Badab War.

The idea is to paint a few models every year to end up with at least one each of the various colour schemes, including the camo variants.

Below is the latest batch of figures I painted.

Terminator with heavy flamer of the Fire Angels - Battle of Sagan's Moon - Drop troop camouflage. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

Chief librarian of the Mantis Warriors with force halberd. 28mm, Citadel, converted and painted by Ginzio

Standard bearer of the Salamanders. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

Captain of the Sons of Medusa. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

Terminator captain of the Red Scorpions. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio