sabato 14 settembre 2024

A few more goblins

It might look like I have some kind of obsession with goblins, but it is just a coincidence that I've been painting so many of them recently.

I still have a few to paint, but not that many, and they won't be painted any time soon.

This is a small addition for my orcs and goblins army, they are a bunch of old models I traded for painting (as usual), they are very old  70s and 80s figures from a few manufacturers.

I love the Garrison ones, but the two pre-slotta Citadel ones are my favorites.

Goblin infantry. 25mm, Garrison Miniatures, painted by Ginzio

Goblin infantry. 25mm, Citadel Miniatures, painted by Ginzio

Goblin infantry. 25mm, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio

Da mob

These two are a couple of Ral Partha ones I painted a while back and forgot to photograph.

Goblin infantry. 25mm, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio

sabato 7 settembre 2024

A few Epic models

 This week I just have a small post about small guys, I finished a few Epic models to add to my existing forces of the Imperium.

There are mote to finish, I wanted to complete the whole batch before posting, but I have nothing else to post this week.

Commissar. Epic scale, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

Sentinel squadron in desert colours. Epic scale, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

Rough riders squadron. Epic scale, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

domenica 1 settembre 2024

Semi project completed

 I don't feel like calling this a full project, in fact it is only a unit, but a very large one.

E few years ago I started this Khorne Chaos Goblins unit, according to the Realm of Chaos army list of Khorne, I am allowed to field up to 120 of the little guys.

When the idea came to me, I planned to use the Skull Pass (7th edition) night goblins for the unit, but I soon realized that it would not be so easy to gather 120 of them.

I sparted painting what I had, but then decided to add any goblin I would find, that would add to the chaotic mood of the unit.

First addition were a bunch of converted goblins and unit fillers, using bits that I had in my spare box, next were some Grenadier goblins, then some Ral Partha and a whole bunch of home cast Prince August that IlVJ had the molds for.

Now the unit has a very chaotic feel and I'm looking forward to field it in battle, it will probably be pretty useless as a giant mob, but I feel I have to try it at least once.

Here are some pictures of the complete unit.

Chaos goblins of Khorne. 28mm, Citadel, Grenadier, Ral Partha, Heartbreaker and Prince August. Painted by Ginzio