domenica 29 dicembre 2024

Warzone Dark Legion troops

 This weed a few more Dark Legion troops for Warzone.

These are a unit of Destroyers and a loose Destroyer leader for a future unit of Sacristans for which I only have an HMG trooper at the moment.

Dark Legion Destroyers. 28mm, Heartbreaker, painted by Ginzio

Dark Legion Destroyer commander. 28mm, Heartbreaker, painted by Ginzio

sabato 21 dicembre 2024

Old School Warhammer 40,000

 Last year I got some Rogue Trader era imperial guard models as a trade for painting. They were mostly assembled, some had bits missing and others had goofy "conversions" made by the original owner, I tried to fix them as best I could and painted them in my planned desert yellow colour.

Since the equipment was kind of random (LOTS of lascannons), I could not make a complete squad, but I gave them markings so that I'll be able to complete them in 3 units with the lot I have in Italy once I go back.

For now I have the beginning of three squads, here they are:

Two members of first squad (blue and red), tactical squad. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

Two members of second squad (blue and yellow), tactical squad. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

Eight members of third squad (blue and green), support squad. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

sabato 14 dicembre 2024

IlVJ is back on track

 It looks like IlVJ is back painting again, here are some more figures I recently finished.

He is still working on the Africa Pulp/Call of Cthulhu project, we will hopefully be able to field these figures in some game soon.

A witch doctor, a Svelte woman warrior and an unmarried Zulu. 28mm, Ral Partha and Wargames Foundry

The lost tribe, cavemen. 28mm, Copplestone castings and Wargames Foundry. 

domenica 8 dicembre 2024

IlVJ paints again

 This week a special post, my brother finished painting something after almost two years.

Time for great celebrations. He has not been completely inactive on the hobby side of things, but he didn't get much done in terms of painting, but it looks like he finally found his motivation again and completed a set of Wargames Foundry Pygmies he started over two years ago.

These will be used of his African skirmish/RPG project, last summer he had a game of the call of Cthulhu that involved a miniatures scenario with our friend Luca as a GM.

The tribe chieftain, his wife and bodyguard. 28mm, Wargames Foundry, painted by IlVJ.

The main fighting force of the tribe consisting exclusively of stealthy archers. 28mm, Wargames Foundry, painted by IlVJ.

domenica 1 dicembre 2024

A few RPG miniatures

 This week we have a small post, but with some good miniatures.

First a group of antmen, they are old models from Ral Partha that I got in a trade for some painting, I pdinted them purple to make them a bit more interesting and gave them zebra shields for the same reason.

They re pretty small, but would make for an interesting encounter.

The second one is a cleric of chaos from Citadel Miniatures, it is a pre-slotta model from the early 80s, I really enjoyed painting it and I look forward to use him as an adversary in my D&D campaign.

Ant men hunting party. 25mm, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio

Cleric of Chaos. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio