martedì 3 febbraio 2015

Terrains and dungeon decors/Terreni e decorazioni per dungeon

This is a mix of terrain pieces that me and IlVJ painted over the last year or so/Questo è un mix di terreni che io e IlVJ abbiamo dipinto nell'ultimo anno circa.

Chaos altar/Altare del Caos. 28mm, Grendel, painted by Ginzio

Chaos altar and pentagram/Altare e pentagramma del caos. 28mm, Grendel, painted by Ginzio

Fantasy banquet/Banchetto fantasy. 28mm, Grendel, painted by IlVJ

Crates/Casse. 28mm, Grendel, painted by Ginzio

Another fantasy table/Un altro tavolo fantasy. 28mm, Grendel, painted by Ginzio

 WWII dragon teeth tank trap/Denti di drago, trappola anticarro della seconda guerra mondiale. 28mm, unknown manufacturer, painted by Ginzio

Ruined russian train carriage/Vagone ferroviario russo distrutto. 1/72, unknown manufacturer on Matchbox base, painted by Ginzio

3 commenti:

  1. Awesome scenery! I can imagine hiding the altar from my mom back in 1989 for fear of her throwing it out. The train car smokes. Well done.

  2. I wish I had something like this in '89, back then me and IlVJ were still using 1/72 romans and barbarians, that was all we had.


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