sabato 28 settembre 2024

New mini project started

 These are the first few models of a kind of mini project I have started working on.

I always like the idea introduced in Warhammer 3rd edition, to have a baggage train for my armies and always had in mind to collect of build some wagons and baggage followers as described in the rulebooks.

I finally decided it was time to build some, so with a few leftover horses and random figures I started working on the wagons. 

At the same time IlVJ sent me some figures he had cast with Prince August molds and I also have a few of the train followers I wanted.

These first models are all humans, so they could be used for both Bretonnia and Empire armies.

In this post we have a wizard wagon, I imagine carrying all the spell components and summoning supplies the army might need and pulled by some exotic creature the wizard has bound to his will. The other 2 models are the Prince August I mentioned above, they are supposedly dungeon hirelings, but I think they fit well in the baggage train carrying around bags of supplies or unloading wagons.

Wizard wagon pulled by a carnivorous bird. 25mm, Ral Partha, RAFM and Citadel, painted by Ginzio

Baggage train porters. 25mm, Prince August, painted by Ginzio

PS: I will be on holiday for the next three weeks and I'll go back to visit the family in Italy, so there won't be any posting for that period, I'll be back blogging as soon as I get back.

sabato 21 settembre 2024

A figure from the Mighty Ugezod's Death Commandos

 This is a figure from the Mighty Ugezod's Death Commandos boxed set, it is supposedly a goblin hero: Kudra Stunty Smasher. 

I decided to paint it as a hobgoblin, hence the orange skin tone. I really like Nick Lund's style of sculpting and this figure was a lot of fun to paint.

Kudra Stunty Smasher. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

sabato 14 settembre 2024

A few more goblins

It might look like I have some kind of obsession with goblins, but it is just a coincidence that I've been painting so many of them recently.

I still have a few to paint, but not that many, and they won't be painted any time soon.

This is a small addition for my orcs and goblins army, they are a bunch of old models I traded for painting (as usual), they are very old  70s and 80s figures from a few manufacturers.

I love the Garrison ones, but the two pre-slotta Citadel ones are my favorites.

Goblin infantry. 25mm, Garrison Miniatures, painted by Ginzio

Goblin infantry. 25mm, Citadel Miniatures, painted by Ginzio

Goblin infantry. 25mm, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio

Da mob

These two are a couple of Ral Partha ones I painted a while back and forgot to photograph.

Goblin infantry. 25mm, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio

sabato 7 settembre 2024

A few Epic models

 This week I just have a small post about small guys, I finished a few Epic models to add to my existing forces of the Imperium.

There are mote to finish, I wanted to complete the whole batch before posting, but I have nothing else to post this week.

Commissar. Epic scale, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

Sentinel squadron in desert colours. Epic scale, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

Rough riders squadron. Epic scale, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

domenica 1 settembre 2024

Semi project completed

 I don't feel like calling this a full project, in fact it is only a unit, but a very large one.

E few years ago I started this Khorne Chaos Goblins unit, according to the Realm of Chaos army list of Khorne, I am allowed to field up to 120 of the little guys.

When the idea came to me, I planned to use the Skull Pass (7th edition) night goblins for the unit, but I soon realized that it would not be so easy to gather 120 of them.

I sparted painting what I had, but then decided to add any goblin I would find, that would add to the chaotic mood of the unit.

First addition were a bunch of converted goblins and unit fillers, using bits that I had in my spare box, next were some Grenadier goblins, then some Ral Partha and a whole bunch of home cast Prince August that IlVJ had the molds for.

Now the unit has a very chaotic feel and I'm looking forward to field it in battle, it will probably be pretty useless as a giant mob, but I feel I have to try it at least once.

Here are some pictures of the complete unit.

Chaos goblins of Khorne. 28mm, Citadel, Grenadier, Ral Partha, Heartbreaker and Prince August. Painted by Ginzio

domenica 25 agosto 2024

Rifts mercenary apc

 This is a Tamiya 1/48 scale kit that IlVJ gifted me a couple of Christmases ago, I finally completed it, I'll be using if for Rifts, as a mercenary unit apc.

It is a modern day Japanese Defense Force vehicle, but it looks modern and I thought it would work well for that setting.

Rifts mercenary armoured personnel carrier. 1/48, Tamiya, painted by Ginzio

sabato 17 agosto 2024

From the swamp...

 This week we have a trio of swamp denizens, a lizardman from Ral Partha and a couple of plastic Warhammer skinks from 4th edition.

They'll surely see action in my D&D campaign.

Lizardman. 28mm, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio

Swamp patrol

Skink archers. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

sabato 10 agosto 2024

First step in a new project

 In the 2023 final post I had anticipated my intention to start working on the pile of 1/72 Napoleonic troops I have had sitting for ages.

Most if it comes from the generosity of our friend Fele', who gave us all his old Esci 1/72 soldiers, WWII, Napoleonics, etc

Last year I worked to finish my Ancient 1/72 stuff and did a bit of colonial, this year I focused on Napoleonics, I had a big bunch of French line infantry, so I decided to start with that to have a strong starting base for the project.

The plan is to use these models for One hour wargames, a cool system that, albeit simple, is very satisfactory to play.

With the first lot of guys I got 4 regiments of French line infantry and 2 of Italian allied troops, just not to have to paint over 100 models in the same colour scheme.

As usual I used the Army Painter Quick Shade, to have the models finished quickly and very well protected from the wear of the battlefield.

Here is the result:

French line infantry regiment. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

French line infantry regiment. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

French line infantry regiment. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

French line infantry regiment. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

French line infantry brigade. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

Italian line infantry regiment. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

Italian line infantry regiment. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

Italian line infantry regiment. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

The two brigades lined up for battle

sabato 3 agosto 2024

German armour for Bolt Action

 This is a model that my brother gifted me for Christmas a couple of years ago, I built and airbrushed it last summer and finally got around to complete it.

I don't yet own a German army, but IlVJ does, so it could be used there, I might even end up putting one together eventually.

Panzerjaeger 38t (Hetzer). 1/48, Tamiya, painted by Ginzio