domenica 31 dicembre 2023

The end of the year has come

 Hello everyone, here we are again, the last post of the year with the tallying up of what I painted in 2023.

It has been a very productive year, mostly due to the fact that I decided to work on a lot of 1/72 models that, since I use the Quick Shade from Army Painter, get done very quickly.

Let's get on with the count:

Things that I painted for myself:

- 28mm fantasy RPG infantry models: 4

- 28mm fantasy RPG large creatures: 2

- 28mm fantasy RPG mounted models: 2

- 28mm fantasy Warhammer infantry models: 73

- 28mm fantasy Warhammer mounted models: 8

- 28mm fantasy Warhammer large creatures: 5

- 28mm fantasy Warhammer war machines: 1

- 28mm historical infantry models: 63

- 28mm historical mounted models: 25

- 28mm historical chariot: 1

- 28mm Sci-fi Warhammer 40,000/Warzone infantry models: 31

- 28mm Sci-fi Warhammer 40,000/Warzone large creatures: 2

- 28mm Sci-fi RPG infantry models: 10

- 28mm Sci-fi RPG vehicles and robots: 4

- no scale Sci-fi starships and star fighters: 16

- 1/285 Battletech mechs: 13

- 1/285 Battletech vehicles: 2

- 1/72 historical infantry models: 293

- 1/72 historical mounted models: 44

- 1/72 WWII infantry models: 63

- 1/35 WWII infantry models: 2

- various scales terrain pieces: 10

This adds up to a total of 674 models, again, big numbers thanks to a very simple painting method, but I am very satisfied.

For other people I painted the following models:

- 28mm fantasy RPG infantry models: 11

- 28mm fantasy RPG large creatures: 6

- 28mm fantasy RPG small creatures: 9

- 28mm fantasy Warhammer infantry models: 21

- 28mm fantasy Warhammer mounted models: 4

- 28mm fantasy Warhammer large creatures: 7

- 28mm fantasy Warmachines/Hordes infantry models: 6

- 28mm fantasy Warmachines/Hordes: 6

- 28mm historical infantry models: 4

- 28mm WWII infantry models: 57

- 28mm WWII vehicles: 3

- 15mm WWII vehicles: 22

- 15mm WWII guns: 4

- 32mm Star Wars legion infantry models: 4

- 32mm Star Wars legion vehicles: 3

- various scale terrain pieces: 27

This adds up to a total of 194 models, which, added to my personal total is a grand total of 868 models painted in 2023, my absolute record, which I will probably struggle to even match in 2024, but I will definitely try.

Finally, I will leave you with a teaser of things to come, I will start working on some 1/72 napoleonics in 2024, wish me luck.

French Polish lancer. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

sabato 30 dicembre 2023

Warhammer thugs of Slaanesh

 This is a small unit of thugs of Slaanesh I recently painted, they are for my Warhammer 3rd edition campaign of Realm of Chaos and, following the trend in it, it is made of leftover figures from all over the place.

Some of the figures (especially the gladiator) are really ugly, but this idea of using whatever I have on hand is still appealing a fun, the models overall look pretty cool and sufficiently Slaaneshi.

Thugs of Slaanesh. 28mm, Citadel, Old Glory, RAFM and Garrison miniatures, painted by Ginzio

domenica 24 dicembre 2023

Dwarf all-stars

These are the last of my special dwarves, I was very lucky to get one of these qhen my Brother was working for Games Workshop in Japan, it is the crown jewel of my dwarf collection.

Gotrek Gurnisson and Joseph Bugman carrying the White Dwarf on a shield. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

sabato 16 dicembre 2023

One more giant and an unicorn

 This week I have two very nice old models from Ral Partha, they are from the early series by Tom Meyer, in the typical small scale with very nice details, they are both from the late 70s and they ware a blast to paint.

Hill giant. 25mm, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio

Unicorn. 25mm, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio

domenica 10 dicembre 2023

One more dwarf

 This is a model I bought many many years ago and was stripped of paints around 20 years ago when I decided to repaint all my dwarves.

It took me a very long time, but he is finally back and ready for the tabletop.

Dwarf ranger riding giant bat. 28mm, Grenadier Models, painted by Ginzio

domenica 3 dicembre 2023

Limited edition Dwarf Daemon Slayer

 I am close to completion of my "special" dwarves project, I finished this splendid limited edition Dwarf Slayer and I only have one model left after this. 

These models are taking a long time to paint, they are very nice and I try to do a good job on them, but I'm happy I finally decided to paint them, they had been sitting around unpainted for way too long.

Limited edition Dwarf Daemon Slayer on daemon's head. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio