The three boxes/Le tre scatole
Gnomes/Bnomi. 28mm, Citadel, painted by IlVJ
Adventurers facing a carrion crawler/Avventurieri che affrontano un verme iena. 28mm, Citadel, Archive, Grenadier and Ral Partha, painted by IlVJ
A couple of dark elves/Un paio di elfi oscuri. 28mm, Citadel, painted by IlVJ
Racalupis in its lair/Luporagno nella sua tana. 28mm, Ral Partha, painted by IlVJ
Wolf, dogs and a troll/Lupo, cani ed un troll. 28mm, Heritage, Ral Partha and Citadel, painted by IlVJ
Sara doing the troll/Sara che fa il troll.
Wizards duel/Duello di maghi. 28mm, Ral Partha and Prince August, painted by IlVJ
The dunegeon/Il dungeon.