sabato 30 gennaio 2021

Star wars RPG miniatures/Miniature per il GDR di Guerre Stellari

 This is the first part of the project I have been working since the beginning of December.

I have two more figures to paint and the whole lot of 54 will be done. I decided to split it in 3 posts, based on the basing style of the miniatures. I built 3 mini displays to take pictures, one (in this post) is a starship interior, the second one is a Tatooine street and the last one a forest (Eindor inspired), so each post will have the miniatures based for the specific background.

This first post, as mentioned, is the star ship interior, so all the models that have a grey base and were mostly seen in this kind of scenes in the movies will appear in this post.

The Tatooine one is probably the one with the most figures and last, the forest background is the one with the smallest amount of characters.

Darth Vader. 28mm, Grenadier, painted by Ginzio

Imperial officer and Moff/Ufficiale dell'impero e Moff. 28mm, Grenadier, painted by Ginzio

Death Star troopers/Truppe della Morte Nera. 28mm, Grenadier, painted by Ginzio

Death Star gunners/Cannonieri della Morte Nera. 28mm, Grenadier, painted by Ginzio

TIE fighter pilots/Piloti da caccia TIE. 28mm, Grenadier, painted by Ginzio

Imperial navy contingent led by Darth Vader/Contingente della marina imperiale guidato da Darth Vader. 28mm, Grenadier, painted by Ginzio

Princess Leia Organa with a couple of rebel soldiers/Principessa Leia Organa con un paio di soldati ribelli. 28mm, Grenadier, painted by Ginzio

Mon calamary rebel navy troopers and officer/Truppe Mon Calamari della marina ribelle con ufficiale. 28mm, Grenadier, painted by Ginzio

Rebel pilots/Piloti ribelli. 28mm, Grenadier, painted by Ginzio

Engineer, gambler and senator/Ingegnere, giocatrice d'azzardo e senatore. 28mm, Grenadier, painted by Ginzio

Rebel troops led by princess Leia/Truppe ribelli guidate dalla principessa Leia. 28mm, Grenadier, painted by Ginzio

One of the most famous light sabre duel of the Star Wars saga/Uno dei duelli piu' famosi della saga di Guerre Stellari. 28mm, Grenadier, painted by Ginzio

sabato 23 gennaio 2021

WWII Japanese Mitsubishi J2M Raiden/Mitsubishi J2M Raiden dell'aviazione Giapponese della Seconda guerra mondiale

 This week more work from IlVJ. This is a WWII Japanese Mitsubishi J2M Raiden (lightning bolt), you can find more information about the plane here or about the model itserlf here.

The pictures are of the plane in flight over the skies of western Tokyo (from IlVJ's balcony).

Close to IlVJ's home it is still possible to visit some WWII concrete hangars that have been preserved until today.

Questa settimana un altro lavoto del VJ. Un Mitsubishi J2M Raiden (fulmine) dell'aviazione Giapponese della Seconda guerra mondiale, potete trovare piu' informazioni sul caccia qui o sul modello qui.

Le foto sono dell'aereo in volo sui cieli a Ovest di Tokyo (dal balcone del VJ).

Vivino a casa del VJ si possono ancora visitare degli hangar in cemento che sono stati conservati fino al giorno d'oggi.

Mitsubishi J2M Raiden Japanese fighter/Aereo da caccia Giapponese Mitsubishi J2M Raiden. 1/72m Hasegawa, painted by IlVj.

sabato 16 gennaio 2021

WWII battleships/Navi da guerra della seconda guerra mondiale

 IlVJ was recently gifted a few 1/2400 scale ship models from his friend Robert, so, given his recent WWII North Africa theatre enthusiasm, got them painted right away with the idea of future campaigns.

IlVJ ha recentemente ricevuto in regalo alcuni modelli di navi in scala 1/2400 dal suo amico Robert, quindi, visto il suo recente entusiasmo per il tearto africano della seconda guerra modnale, le ha dipinte subito in vista di una futura campagna.

German Graf Zepplin carrier (never built)/Portaerei tedesca Graf Zepplin (mai costruita). 1/2400, Panzerschiffe Miniatures, painted by IlVJ

German M class cruisers (never built)/Incrociatori classe M tedeschi (mai costruiti). 1/2400, Panzerschiffe Miniatures, painted by IlVJ

German ships/Navi tedesche

Italian Littorio battleship/Nave da guerra Littorio della Regia Marina. 1/2400, Panzerschiffe Miniatures, painted by IlVJ

Italian heavy cruiser Bolzano/Incrociatore pesante Bolzano della Regia Marina. 1/2400, Panzerschiffe Miniatures, painted by IlVJ

Italian carrier Acquila (never built)/Portaerei Acquila della Regia Marina (mai costruita). 1/2400, Panzerschiffe Miniatures, painted by IlVJ

Italian ships/Navi italiane

sabato 9 gennaio 2021

WWII british 8th army in Africa/Ottava armata britannica in Africa nella Seconda guerra mondiale

 This is what IlVJ has painted so far to oppose to his big Italian army we featured a few weeks ago.

Questo e' cio' che IlVJ ha dipinto finora da opporre al suo esercito italiano che abbiamo postato qualche settimana fa.

6pdr anti tank gun/Cannone anticarro da 6 pound. 1/72, Airfix, paitned by IlVJ

Anti tank rifle/Fucile anti carro. 1/72, SHQ miniatures, paitned by IlVJ

Bofors anti aircraft gun with tractor/Cannone antiaereo Bofors con traino. 1/72, Airfix, paitned by IlVJ

Huney light tanks/Carri leggeri Honey. 1/72, Hasegawa, paitned by IlVJ

Infantry and command/Fanteria e comando. 1/72, SHQ miniatures, paitned by IlVJ

Captured M13/40 in Australian use/M13/40 catturati ed in uso degli Australiani. 1/72, Italeri, paitned by IlVJ

Matilda II infantry tank/Carro fanteria Matilda II. 1/72, Italeri, paitned by IlVJ

Vickers light tannk MK IV/Carro leggero Vickers MK IV. 1/72, Airfix, paitned by IlVJ