domenica 25 agosto 2024

Rifts mercenary apc

 This is a Tamiya 1/48 scale kit that IlVJ gifted me a couple of Christmases ago, I finally completed it, I'll be using if for Rifts, as a mercenary unit apc.

It is a modern day Japanese Defense Force vehicle, but it looks modern and I thought it would work well for that setting.

Rifts mercenary armoured personnel carrier. 1/48, Tamiya, painted by Ginzio

sabato 17 agosto 2024

From the swamp...

 This week we have a trio of swamp denizens, a lizardman from Ral Partha and a couple of plastic Warhammer skinks from 4th edition.

They'll surely see action in my D&D campaign.

Lizardman. 28mm, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio

Swamp patrol

Skink archers. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

sabato 10 agosto 2024

First step in a new project

 In the 2023 final post I had anticipated my intention to start working on the pile of 1/72 Napoleonic troops I have had sitting for ages.

Most if it comes from the generosity of our friend Fele', who gave us all his old Esci 1/72 soldiers, WWII, Napoleonics, etc

Last year I worked to finish my Ancient 1/72 stuff and did a bit of colonial, this year I focused on Napoleonics, I had a big bunch of French line infantry, so I decided to start with that to have a strong starting base for the project.

The plan is to use these models for One hour wargames, a cool system that, albeit simple, is very satisfactory to play.

With the first lot of guys I got 4 regiments of French line infantry and 2 of Italian allied troops, just not to have to paint over 100 models in the same colour scheme.

As usual I used the Army Painter Quick Shade, to have the models finished quickly and very well protected from the wear of the battlefield.

Here is the result:

French line infantry regiment. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

French line infantry regiment. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

French line infantry regiment. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

French line infantry regiment. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

French line infantry brigade. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

Italian line infantry regiment. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

Italian line infantry regiment. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

Italian line infantry regiment. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

The two brigades lined up for battle

sabato 3 agosto 2024

German armour for Bolt Action

 This is a model that my brother gifted me for Christmas a couple of years ago, I built and airbrushed it last summer and finally got around to complete it.

I don't yet own a German army, but IlVJ does, so it could be used there, I might even end up putting one together eventually.

Panzerjaeger 38t (Hetzer). 1/48, Tamiya, painted by Ginzio