sabato 1 marzo 2025

A small addition to the Badab War collection

 I painted a few more models for my very long term Badab War project.

As long time readers might know, I decide, years ago, to paint whatever space marine model I still had kicking around, in the various colours of the Rogue trader article concerning the Badab War.

The idea is to paint a few models every year to end up with at least one each of the various colour schemes, including the camo variants.

Below is the latest batch of figures I painted.

Terminator with heavy flamer of the Fire Angels - Battle of Sagan's Moon - Drop troop camouflage. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

Chief librarian of the Mantis Warriors with force halberd. 28mm, Citadel, converted and painted by Ginzio

Standard bearer of the Salamanders. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

Captain of the Sons of Medusa. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

Terminator captain of the Red Scorpions. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

sabato 22 febbraio 2025

Few RPG random models

 This week we have a small collection of random RPG model, mostly cyberpunk-ish and near future.

2000AD Judge Dredd street judges. 28mm, Mongoose, painte dby Ginzio

A couple of pig headed aviators. 28mm, Minidojo, painted by Ginzio

Wasteland wandering warrior. A clear homage to Fist of the North Star (Kenshiro). 28mm, Minidojo, painted by Ginzio

sabato 15 febbraio 2025

Oldhammer Elves

 This week another small unit from IlVJ, some Marauder sea elves he painted quite a while ago, but never got around to take pictures of.

He will proceed with the re-painting of his old elves army, with some new additions. The plan is to paint the models in colours that will allow most of them to be used as wood, high or sea elves.

This is the first group of 6, some were released as sea elf wardancers, others as sea elf warriors, he is grouping them all together since the sculpting and details are common and work well together.

Sea elf warriors. 28mm, Marauder Miniatures, painted by IlVJ

sabato 8 febbraio 2025

A couple of old school RPG miniatures

 Today we have a couple of figures that IlVJ started probably two years ago and he finally got around to complete.

They are both pretty old miniatures, one from Ral Partha, the other from the Conan TSR range.

The TSR miniatures are famously ugly, but they have some kind of old school charm.

Alchemist. 28mm Ral Partha, painged by IlVJ.

Thoth Amon, evil sorcerer and enemy of Conan. 25mm, TSR, painted by IlVJ

sabato 1 febbraio 2025

Another Battletech post

 I just finished a couple of lances in a livery that I always wanted to try, the St. Ives Janissaries.

It is a fascinating unit that, depending on the era, can be fielded with or against the Capellan Cinfederation, and it has a very striking colour ombination.

Overall this couple of lances turned out quite well, the only thing I'm not very satisfied with is the decal on the Awesome shoulder, it was too thick and it didn't conform to the panel lines, so it looks a bit too flat.

St. Ives Janissaries: Cyclops, Awesome, Atlas, Cataphract, Zeus, Assassin, Axeman and Archer. 1/285, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio

Awesome shoulder detail.

sabato 25 gennaio 2025

Bettletech mercenary lance

 This is my latest mercenary lance. Many years ago I painted a Warhammer 40,000 Howling Griffons army. I was recently thinking how that same paint scheme would look on battlemechs, so I gave it a try and I'm pretty happy with the result.

It still takes ages to paint and yellow is still a very hard colour to paint properly, so a single lance is more than enough, I won't be painting more in this scheme.

Stinger LAM, Cyclops, King Crab and Assassin mercenary mechs. 1/285, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio

sabato 18 gennaio 2025

Bretonnian retainers

 This week we have a new infantry unit of retainers for my Bretonnian army. The unit is composed of old (1977) Ral Partha spearmen with a Old Glory command group.

The miniatures are very rough, the spearmen practically don't have hay face detail and the Old Glory command group have quite soft details themselves, but they were very quick to paint and as a unit they look pretty good.

I'm looking forward to using them in a game.

Bretonnian retainers with spears. 28mm, Ral Partha and Old Glory, painted by Ginzio

sabato 11 gennaio 2025

A warband for IlVJ

 It looks like IlVJ will be playing some Realms of Chaos warbands games in Japan, so he put together a warband of Khorne to fight it out.

Here are pictures of the first version of the warband, since the game brings new followers at almost every game, it will surely grow in the future.

The warband of Khorne in all its glory.

A human champion of Khorne, he was a citizen of the Empire before he was corrupted and pledged alliance to the Throne of Skulls. 28mm, Ral Partha, painted by IlVJ.

A group of beastmen joined the champion on his adventures, one of them suddenly turning into a spawn of chaos with the semblance of a fly. 28mm, Grenadier and Ral Partha, painted by IlVJ

A group of undead (they count as skeletons in the game) has been awarded to the champion by Khorne himself. 28mm, Grenadier, Ral Partha and Metal Magic, painted by IlVJ

sabato 4 gennaio 2025

One more Warzone post

 These are the last Warzone miniatures I had in Canada, there are still about 20 in Italy, so they'll have to wait until I go back.

These are the Templars Tribe of the Earth, I really enjoyed painting them. The whole idea of the tribes of abandoned mutant humans on polluted Earth is really cool and I'm very happy I found some of these models to paint and possibly play with.

Unfortunately the shit of these guys turned out a bit chalky, I had run out of white so I tried to use a craft paint instead, which turned out not to be a great idea, but they are still ok for the tabletop.

Templar Gendarmes. 28mm, Heartbreaker, painted by Ginzio

Templar horde standard bearer. 28mm, Heartbreaker, painted by Ginzio

Templars horde troopers. 28mm, Heartbreaker, painted by Ginzio

A group photo