This week we have a small collection of random RPG model, mostly cyberpunk-ish and near future.
sabato 22 febbraio 2025
sabato 15 febbraio 2025
Oldhammer Elves
This week another small unit from IlVJ, some Marauder sea elves he painted quite a while ago, but never got around to take pictures of.
He will proceed with the re-painting of his old elves army, with some new additions. The plan is to paint the models in colours that will allow most of them to be used as wood, high or sea elves.
This is the first group of 6, some were released as sea elf wardancers, others as sea elf warriors, he is grouping them all together since the sculpting and details are common and work well together.
sabato 8 febbraio 2025
A couple of old school RPG miniatures
Today we have a couple of figures that IlVJ started probably two years ago and he finally got around to complete.
They are both pretty old miniatures, one from Ral Partha, the other from the Conan TSR range.
The TSR miniatures are famously ugly, but they have some kind of old school charm.
sabato 1 febbraio 2025
Another Battletech post
I just finished a couple of lances in a livery that I always wanted to try, the St. Ives Janissaries.
It is a fascinating unit that, depending on the era, can be fielded with or against the Capellan Cinfederation, and it has a very striking colour ombination.
Overall this couple of lances turned out quite well, the only thing I'm not very satisfied with is the decal on the Awesome shoulder, it was too thick and it didn't conform to the panel lines, so it looks a bit too flat.