mercoledì 26 maggio 2010

More WWII stuff/Altri pezzi della Seconda Guerra mondiale

Here you are the last WWII models we finished. Some are new and some are just rebased for use with BKC. The russian tanks didn't have bases, but sinche the tracks tended to come apart I made them one/Ecco gli ultimi modelli che abbiamo finito per la seconda guerra mondiale. Alcuni sono solo stati rimbasettati per giocare a BKC. I carri russi non avevano un piedistallo, ma siccome i cingoli tendevano a scollarsi glie ne ho fatto uno.

T34-76 and T34-85 with snowed bases/T34-76 e T34-85 con piedistalli innevati. 1/72 Fujimi, painted by IlVJ

Katjusha missile launcher truck/Camion lanciamissili Katjusha. 1/72, unknown ukranian manufacturer, painted by IlVJ

Tiger Ausf E/Tigre versione E. 1/72, Hasegawa, painted by Ginzio

Sdkfz 234/1 and Sdkfz 234/4 armoured cars/Autoblindo Sdkfz 234/1 and Sdkfz 234/4. 1/72, Hasegawa and Airfix, painted by Ginzio

German infantry/Fanteria tedesca. 1/72, Esci, painted by Ginzio

German Afrika Korp Stug III/Stug III dell'Afrika Korp. 1/72, Fujimi, painted by Ginzio

3 commenti:

  1. Excellent Work

    All nice models, well made and painted

    My only reservation is with the Airfix A/C as it has those awful early war arches over the wheels.

    Roden and Hasagawa are right on this but sadly Airfix are wrong

    Nothing to do with you though :)

  2. Nb: The DAK Stug IIID is their only

    Two vehicles were sent to North Afrika, and one was lost in an unloading accident in the harbour, so "one" made it into operational service

  3. Thanks for your comments,
    I know the Airfix armoured car is incorrect, but I bought in a big lot and thought to paint it anyway, but even to me it's rather disturbing.

    Also thank for sharing the infos about the Stug, nice to know.


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