This is a lance of Federated Suns, in a colour scheme that could pass for Crucis Lancers, plus a non specified aerospace fighter from the Rootech RPG strategic battles game that can be used with any faction.
Una lancia dei Federated Suns, con uno schema di colorazione che potrebbe passare per Crucis Lanvers, piu' un caccia aerospazioale della linea Rootech RPG strategic battles game che puo' essere usato per qualunque fazione.
Marauder II, Marauder, Longbow and Charger of the Crucs Lancers, Federated Suns
Marauder II, Marauder, Longbow e Charger deiCrucs Lancers, Federated Suns.
1/285, Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio
Valkyrie aerospace fighter
Caccia aerospaziale Valkyrie
6mm, Palladium Games, painted by Ginzio
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