Few more 3D printed vehicles for Battletech and a lonely metal one. I apologize for the horrible pictures.
Un altro po' di veicoli di BAttletech stampati in 3D ed un solitario modello in metallo. Mi scuso per le foto orribili.
Davion Guard Condor light hover tanks/Carri leggeri hovercraft Condor della Davion Guard. 1/285, 3D printed, painted by Ginzio
Three Scorpion light tanks, two ML and one AC5 and a Hunter light rank of the Free Worlds League militia/Tre carri leggeri Scorpio, due ML ed uno AC5 ed un carro leggero Hunter della milizia Free Worlds League. 1/285, 3D printed and Ral Partha, painted by Ginzio
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