This is a DBA Macedonian army that Garner painted for IlVJ when he was living in Japan (perhaps around 2007), but I only realized it had never been photographed until last year, so I made sure I rectified the mistake as soon as I got back on holiday.
Questo e' un esercito di Macedoni per DBA che Garner aveva dipinto per IlVJ quendo viveva in Giappone (probabilmente intorno al 2007), ma mi sono accorto di non averlo mai fotografato solo l'anno scorso, quindi mi sono premurato di provvedere appena arrivato in Italia.
The army of Alexander the great/L'esercito di Alessandro Magno
Alexander and his companions/Alessandro ed i compagni. 1/72 Zvezda, painted by Garner
Pikemen phalanx/Falange di picchieri. 1/72, Hat Industries, painted by Garner
Artillery/Artiglieria. 1/72, Hat Industries, painted by Garner
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