I finally completed the mercenary company I started over 5 years ago. It started with couple of mechs, then got to a lance and, slowly, was upgraded to a full company.
I still have to come up with a decent name for it, help would be appreciated.
There is also a stand of battle armor that I painted in a kind of Grey Death legion colour scheme. It is made of old Epic imperial robots, but I think the size and armament fits well into the Battletech style.
Ho finalmente completato la compagnia di mercenari che incominciai piu' di 5 anni fa. Era iniziata con un paio di meth, poi diventata una lancia e, piano piano, e' stata portata alla compagnia completa.
Non ho ancora deciso come chiamare l'unita' di mercenari, qualunque suggerimento e' benvenuto.
C'e' anche una basetta di armature potenziate in una livrea simile a qulla della Grey Death Legion. E' fatta con robot imperiali di Epic, le dimensioni e l'armamento dei robot li rende adeguati allo stile di Battletech.
Fire lance: Urbanmech, Hunchback, Grasshopper and Archer/Lancia di fuoco: Urbanmech, Hunchback, Grasshopper and Archer. 1/285, Ral Partha and FASA, painted by Ginzio
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