lunedì 17 dicembre 2018

A couple of dwarf baggage train followers/Un paio di nani del treno delle salmerizie

Just a couple of models that I recently painted to use in my D&D campaing as NPCs, but they could be used as baggage train followers in a fantasy army.

Giusto un paio di modelli che ho finito di recente da usare nella mia campagna di D&D come PNG, ma potrebbero essere anche usati come membri del treno delle salmerizie in un esercito fantasy.

Dwarf butcher and brewer/Nano macellaio e birraio. 28mm, Reaper Bones, painted by Ginzio

2 commenti:

  1. Dwarves like they should look. Good job!

  2. Thanks a lot, I really like these models, they have a "classic" style and I think they will fit perfectly with my older dwarves.


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