sabato 14 ottobre 2023

Cool dwarves

This week we have the first part of a small project I'm working on, it is a small group of about 15-20 dwarves I collected in the last few years.
My dwarf army is already huge, but these are more one off or cool models I collected just out of sheer dwarven passion.
All them can be considered Oldhammer models, even if for my Oldhammer ends in 1992, when Rick Priestley sold away the company.
Anyway, here you are a bunch of nice and unusual old dwarf models.

Drinking and drunk dwarves. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

Dwarf champion from the Grudge of Drong Warhammer campaign. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

Dwarf miner. 28mm, citadel, painted by Ginzio

Plastic monopose dwarf warrior from Warhammer 4th edition. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

The "seven" dwarves.

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