domenica 26 maggio 2024

IlVJ completes another progect, a massive one

 This is a long awaited post, twelve years to be exact.

IlVJ started painting a few Napoleonic models that someone didn't like and gave to him in 2012, never one to shy away from a challenge, he put together and painted a unit of Bavarian line infantry from Hat Industries in 28mm.

At the time, in the club IlVJ was running, the West Tokyo Wargamers, people were getting in Black Powder with Napoleonics in 28mm and, as it always goes, someone would offer some models because they didn't like the faction, because it was an impulse buy, or some other reason.

With the idea of not getting too deep in the period, IlVJ decided to avoid buying anything and just use whatever model was available and instead of building an army, he would have one or two units to play in multi player games.

Rescuing other player's abandoned figures, receiving few gifts and buying literally a handful of figures, just over a decade later, he has almost 500 painted models to show off.

Here are the pictures of the last three units he completed and final shot of the whole collection).

The whole collection, it is hard to see any detail from here, but a group shot is always a good way to visualize the size of the completed priject.

The third unit of Italian line infantry, allied to the French. 28mm, Perry Miniatures with officer from Front Rank, painted by IlVJ

Légion Piédmontaise, Piedmonese legion, 28mm, Victrix, converted and painted by IlVJ


Batllion du Neufchatel, Neufchatel batallion, swiss unit in French service. 28mm, Warlord Games, painted by IlVJ

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