sabato 15 giugno 2024

Sci-fi troops for Warhammer 40K and Warzone

 This week we have a small selection of semi-random models I painted for use in Warzone and 40K games, mostly Warzone, since I haven't played a "proper" 40K game in years.

The idea was to have some generic troops to boost the numbers in my Warzone armies, but the mutants were more built and painted as generic troops that could be used in a chaos cult, a genestealer cult or some other for of evil/chaotic army or Warzone Dark Legion.

Alternatively they can also be used as Coalition troops for a Rifts RPG.

I'm pretty happy how both units turned out, the marines are from RAFM and were given to me by my friend Cristian years ago, the others are rogue trader imperial guard bodies with early 2000 chaos mutations and marauders bits.

Space marines with heavy weapons. 28mm, RAFM, painted by Ginzio

Renegade mutants. 28mm, Citadel, painted by Ginzio

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