domenica 19 novembre 2023

The last units for DBA

 This post celebrates a big goal, these are the last DBA models in 1/72 scale I own, with this lot all the ancient stuff I ever had is done, some of them (the Samnite cavalry) go back to probably 2005 or 2006.

Now the collection of ancient models in 1/72 totals 737 models and allows us (mostly me, IlVJ lost interest in DBA long ago) to cover the most common Ellenistic and Classical period armies with Greeks, Macedonians, Tracians, Carthaginians, Gauls, Romans, Hispanics and few more.

I can consider this period covered in this scale and move forward with colonial, Napoleonic and modern era troops.

Gallic noble and light cavalry. 1/72, Italeri, painted by Ginzio

Roman late republican legionaries. 1/72, Italeri, painted by Ginzio

Samnite cavalry. 1/72, Hat Industries, painted by Ginzio

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