domenica 7 gennaio 2024

New year, new Warzone

 Hello everyone, welcome to the first post of 2024.

It probably won't be a surprise, but Warzone surfaces again.

I said in the past that I had painted all I had, but in a way or another, old Warzone figures keep reappearing on my painting table.

I mentioned last year how I traded about 30 old Warzone figures with a friend, but last spring, I also happened to go with a friend to Sentry Box in Calgary, where I found a bunch of old Warzone figures they had, probably from the 90s and they also happened to be half price, so I couldn't afford to leave them there.

So now I have a new lot of about 45 figures to paint, they have all been prepped and will hopefully be appearing in the following months as I paint them.

Most of them are first edition Tribes of Earth which have a very big charm, even back in the days they were not very popular, so if was kind of rare to see them on the battlefield.

The rest is a handful of Brotherhood and other random models, plus a few units and character models of the Dark Legion, an all time favorite of mine, I'm looking forward to work on them.

In the next few weeks you sill see other stuff, fantasy and historical mainly, because I am in the process of closing up some other projects, but then I think I'll start working on Warzone.

For now I just completed a single model.

Lutheran Disciple serjeant with power sickle and sawn off shotgun. 28mm, Heartbreaker, painted by Ginzio

7 commenti:

  1. Haven't seen painted model from this faction for ages - thanks for bringing it back!

    1. Thank you for the kind comment.
      I only ever had a handful of Tribes of Earth models, I'm actually glad to have found a few more and to be putting together small forces of them, I hope to make them justice

  2. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  3. Di recente si è concluso un Kickstarter per una nuova edizione, quindi magari avrete anche occasione di metterle in campo!

  4. ho visto che e' in arrivo una nuova edizione, ma io rimango molto legato alla seconda, ho iniziato a giocare con quella e la trovo molto divertente, anche se e' parecchio che non faccio una partita, spero comunque di poter sfoggiare questo ed altri modelli al piu' presto

  5. Complimenti per il livello PRO di pittura!
    Triade Luterana sono uno dei miei tre eserciti preferiti, questo Sergente dei Discepoli è essenziale per schierare una delle poche squadre Grunt dell'esercito nel regolamento di Ultimate Warzone Universe Under Siege (UWZ). Continua così!

    Congrats on the PRO level of painting!
    Lutheran Triad are one of my three favorite armies, this Disciple Sergeant is essential for fielding one of the army's few Grunt squads in the Ultimate Warzone Universe Under Siege (UWZ) rulebook. Keep it up!

    1. Grazie mille.
      Anche a me piacciono molto i Luterani, ne ho slcuni altri che dipinsi molti anni fa, ma mi piacerebbe trovare alcuni altri modelli per avere almeno un'unita' per tipo.


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