domenica 14 gennaio 2024

Reinforcements for Slaanesh

 I recently painted a few more models for my Slaanesh force to use in our Realms of Chaos campaign.

Last year IlVJ was given a few sprues of Mantic figures that he passed to me, the elves I found really ugly, so I tried to give them to someone to paint, but that person returned them to me since he didn't feel like painting them.

After leaving them in a box for a while, I decided I could use some dark elves for Slaanesh, to add more troops to the forces assaulting the city of Praag in our recent games, so the idea of painting these guys in the simplest possible way struck me and I thought that dark elves in black armour with brightly coloured shields would take no time to paint and look decent as Slaaneshi followers, so I forced myself and got these knocked out as quickly as possible.

The result is decent, as a couple of units they don't look too bad and, considering the very low effort required to get them on the table, they were worth a few nights of painting.

Dark Elves of Slaanesh, 28mm, Mantic games, painted by Ginzio

The other entry for this post is a special beastman or mutant of Slaanesh, a mix of spare parts found in my bits box in true old school Chaos style.

Slaangor, beastman of Slaanesh. 28mm, Citadel, converted and painted by Ginzio

2 commenti:

  1. Excellent work on the Mantic elves, you managed to make them look great.
    And my hat off for the slaangor, a true children of chaos (and messy bits boxes)

  2. Thank you, I'm glad I could salvage these elves and give them a purpose.
    The slaangor was actually pretty satisfying to put together and paint.


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